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 Large Online Auction 

Monday, Nov 4, 10:00am to

 Friday, Nov 8 

with a soft close starting at 7:00pm 


Featuring furnishings from several local estates and consignors along with Christmas lots, 4 snow blowers, Royal Doulton and Hummel figurines, shop goods, antiques and collectibles along with exceptional caved waterfowl from local artist Jim McQueen. Items include:

Shop: Ariens and TroyBilt snowblowers (2 like new), Bosch table saw and mitre saws, router table and spindle sander, Delta and maximum sanders, radial arm saw, beaver table saw, compressor and accessories, power and hand tools, ladders, peeves, lathe, trapping supplies, stove, leaf blower

Antiques and collectibles: Collection of big little books (1930’s), hockey cards, license plates including 1914 & 1913, brass bound writers box, Indigenous beaded mitts, scales, butcher tools, Victorian sword and scabbard, trunks, toys and models, coolers, General Dairies ash tray, coolers, Coleman stoves and lanterns, stoneware, sausage stuffer, ice chest, carved owl and waterfowl, axes and hatchets, Sussex Cheese & Butter milk can, Royal Doulton, Hummels and lots of glassware

Household and misc: Several bedroom sets, beds and furnishings in great condition, china cabinet, display cabinets, grand father clock,  couch and chairs, tables and chairs, coffee and end tables, area rugs, book cases, 3 large dish sets, flatware, tilt top table, writing desks, snow shoes, neon signs, ice cream maker, Roxton cabinet, hall trees, TV’s, puzzles, card tables and cushion chairs, washer dryer, fridge, deck furnishings


 Viewing: Thursday, Nov 7,  9 am- 4pm, or by appointment


This link will take you to the auction, with photos of each item.         http://mccullumauction.hibid.com/auctions/current  


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For new buyers, use the new buyer tab.  At one point you will be asked for a Credit Card Number. This information is not given to us but is used for bidder verification by HiBid.  Payment is made at time of pick up.

If you have any questions or problems, please call us Brian Cell 506-432-0552 or H 506-433-6395 or email. We can help you register over the phone.


Last Updated: Oct 31, 2024

For more information Contact McCullum Auction Service
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