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Monday Mar 10, 10 am with a soft close Friday Mar 14, 7 pm

Selling will be a large lot of shop and collectible items from 2 estates along with some choice consignments:  Items include:

Shop: Ariens snow blower, upright compressor, tool and parts cabinets, large Peter Wright anvil (348lbs), Archer pressure washer, Honeywell generator, 3 drill presses, table saw, large quantity of power and hand tools, axes, 20 wrench sets, large quantity of drill bits, taps and dies, micrometers and calipers, stageing, tow chains and chain falls, come-a-long, turkey fryer, live trap, submersible pumps, torches and kits, lockers, tarps, vices, ladders, baseboard heaters, Kubota pump, tubing, large quantity of plumbing and electrical supplies including wire, shelving,

Collectibles: 2 locomotive train bells, working McCormick Deering cream separator, knives, 7-Up door pull, advertising items, mounted long horns, 1920’s Singer hand crank sewing machine in mint condition, 1930’s Lewis Bros. ordering book (1198 pages), leather tooled gun slings, wool blankets and quilts, oil cans, license plates, molding planes, cream can, oil lamp fixture, butter bowl and accessories, wagon, tater duster, gold and sterling jewelry

Select household furnishings, appliances, glassware

Viewing: Thursday Mar 13, 9am-4pm, or by appointment



This link will take you to the auction, with photos of each item.         http://mccullumauction.hibid.com/auctions/current  


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If you have any questions or problems, please call us Brian Cell 506-432-0552 or H 506-433-6395 or email. We can help you register over the phone.


Last Updated: Mar 8, 2025

For more information Contact McCullum Auction Service
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